Course Questions
Drone Programming
About the Drone Programming category
Light show Drone swarm - unable to set the server
Adjusting Flying distance and course in Aruco Landing sim
Roll left and right without yawing
Ardupilot + speedybee f405 controlled by Dronekit python on Raspberry Pi
ArUco marker detection
Changing Firmware in Navio2
Pixhwak LED
Course cut off
[SOLVED] Connect QGroundControl to my drone wireless
Autonomous Indoor Drone
Issue configuring battery monitoring
Mission Planner PreArm Error Message
Link to Custom Ubuntu18.04
Precision landing and auto tune
Web Based GCS
launchSitl "can't find '__main__' in module in ' ' error
dronekit.TimeoutError: wait_ready experienced a timeout after 30 seconds and WARNING: dronekit: Link timeout, no heartbeat in last 5 seconds ERROR When trying to connect 5 drones using com connection
Ubuntu 20 + Python3 setup
Ubuntu 18.04.6 (course build); "Launch QGC with DK script part3" mode GUIDED loop hanging (launchSitl
Couldn't run QGC
Git submodule update --init --recursive
Upgrading PIP / Using SUDO PIP
(5) command not found
Submodule update error
Some problem with sitl and dorne
Tunning the PID's of Landing algorithm
(7) compilation fails_Something about GPS task
Sudo -E echo "export courseRoot=/home/$USER/courseRoot" >> ~/.bashrc
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