hello guys,
actually I was working on a autonomous drone project that is instructed based on computer vision and yolo using dronekit
i am able to simulate my codes of flight in Gazebo 7 on ros2 humble , that was on iris-gimbal. now when it came to reality, i bought a f405 V4 with 4 in 1 esc stack of Speedybee and booted ardupilot…i calibrated sensors like gps M10, elrs and battery of 5k mah with 920kv motors baring a raspi and a noir 5mp camera.
it’s was working fine with RC… when I armed it using dronekit code it didn’t, that was on guided mode giving prearm: need position estimate error , however gps is working well, so i disabled arming checks, it ran into some failsafe , then i disabled Failsafe parameters too except few , shifted to stabilize mood, it armed… but it didn’t took off for vehicle.simple_takeoff() command though the speed of propellers increased…gps in 3d fix connecting 12 sats, I checked the messages in mission planner…it has an error, failed to initialise MAVFTP …in alt_hold mood it armed but didn’t took off…
i shifted to qgroundcontrol too, in that prearm: need position estimate required is the error seen
intrestingly, it’s arming and took off in stabilise mood using RC and then i shifted to loiter mood when it’s flying…it drifted in same altitude…
could you please suggest me a way to come out of this problem, I have several missions planned on basic_functions.py code i wrote in dronekit python.
i will send you necessary pics or codes if you need too.