Pixhwak LED


I have recently purchased one of the pi drones, I was trying to connect my TF-Lunar sensor. suddenly pixhwak stopped working and the B/E LED started blinking red (yellow). I cannot connect to the mission planner either with USB or Telem. Please help me. Is there any way to factory reset Pixhwak?


This is an old video, but I think it still applies.



Of course you don’t want to repeat the problem, so what steps did you take to install the lidar?

Here are some references I found:


thanks for your reply!
I have connected like the photo(to Serial4/5) I attached. I set all the parameters in MP. The Lidar doesn’t work.


Do you have the instruction manual?

Application-of-TF-Luna-in-Pixhawk.pdf (1.1 MB)

Using I2C is an option.


Hello sorry for late response, I gave up on FT-luna and I am working with pxflow now .the problem i can get the camera footage when I am connected via mini USB to MP or Q ground but when I connect it to i2c to pxhawk I get no data from camera. any idea would be helpful please.


Sorry you gave up with TF Luna.
You might consider these links:

Regarding px4flow, you might consider this link or others on this site you can search on.