Course Questions

Drone Building This section is for questions/problems related to the course “How to Build a Raspberry Pi Drone” Drone Programming This section is for questions/problems related to the course “Drone Programming Primer”
Earn Money By Answering Questions! [Course Questions] (2)

Want to earn money while answering fellow Drone Dojo member’s questions? We will be rewarding $350 dollars per month to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd most helpful forum members! 1st: $200 2nd: $100 3rd: $50 Check out this link … - not connecting [Drone Programming] (2) - Invalid Syntax [Drone Programming] (3)
Has anyone test precision landing script for RPI camera 1.3 [Drone Programming] (4)
Jetson Nano Rover shipped with Pi 4 [Drone Building] (2)
Run Script to Track Aruco [Drone Programming] (10)
Alternative to deprecated autocomplete-python [Course Questions] (9)
Publishing & subscribing, but no output [Course Questions] (3)
Are 'Write a Basic Publisher/Subscriber' tutorials essential for the Precision Landing course? [Drone Programming] (1)
SITL build [Course Questions] (2)
Finger loan app customer care helpline number(+91) 8999536988)And now [Course Questions] (2)
Cannot Calibrate ESCs and Spin Motors Using Transmitter or MP [Drone Building] (8)
PhonePe wrong transaction refund money [Course Questions] (2)
How do I refund a wrong transaction on phonepe? [Course Questions] (2)
TFmini Lidar connection [Drone Building] (6)
Light show Drone swarm - unable to set the server [Drone Programming] (1)
Adjusting Flying distance and course in Aruco Landing sim [Drone Programming] (4)
Precision Drone landing simulation alignment problem [Course Questions] (3)
Roll left and right without yawing [Drone Programming] (5)
How to fly two drones with same model "iris_with_ardupilot" SITL [Course Questions] (3)
I want guidance on how to begin taking drone programming courses [Course Questions] (4)
Ardupilot + speedybee f405 controlled by Dronekit python on Raspberry Pi [Drone Programming] (3)
ArUco marker detection [Drone Programming] (2)
Changing Firmware in Navio2 [Drone Programming] (3)
Pixhwak LED [Drone Programming] (6)
PX4Flow [Drone Programming] (1)
Course cut off [Drone Programming] (14)
[SOLVED] Connect QGroundControl to my drone wireless [Drone Programming] (13)
Course purchase [Course Questions] (3)
Autonomous Indoor Drone [Drone Programming] (7)