- not connecting

#1 is displaying the following connection error:

My problem (and suggested Drone Dojo solution) is basically the same as the following:

I modified the code using the above suggested solution, but received the subsequent error:

Help is required.


@Caleb, am still waiting for support.

I’m basically at the final steps; everything is downhill from here once I test these scripts out in the field.

It was strictly advised numerous times in these forums that we stick with unsupported Python 2. And so, we obliged. But it’s becoming clear that Python 3 is necessary.

After confirming that the scripts (arm test, takeoff, & SINGLE aruco precision landing) are still working today for you with your current Python 3, Ubuntu 20, etc. builds, can you:

please list here all of the required installs/dependencies including versions of Ardu firmware/dronekit/MAVProxy/pavlink, as well as RPI OS version, ROS version, etc.?