Ubuntu 20 + Python3 setup


should be using Copter V3.3 when using ./launchSitl basic_template.py (or any of the template scripts)

to run dronekit SITL instance, MAVProxy, QGC, dronekit script.

restart and install from scratch.

you can install



I have been able to get past ‘Launch QGC with DroneKit Script part 3’ after properly installing

after cloning repo

git clone -b Copter-4.3.7

don’t forget to run



git submodule update --init --recursive


Failed for submodule update --init --recursive - Course Questions - Drone Dojo (dojofordrones.com)

and review this thread from the top.

Watch the videos as you follow along with building.

(I just ran using Python 3.8.10)


@dash @jax200 thank you for all your hard work and dedication. Thank you to everyone who has been working on this project. Have a blessed holiday.