Course Questions

Mission Planner - Battery Monitor [Course Questions] (9)
Precision Land Single Aruco [Course Questions] (2)
Bullet Connectors & ESCs blue wires missing [Drone Building] (2)
What are the washers that come with the propellers for? [Course Questions] (5)
Replacement nuts for motors [Drone Building] (3)
Groundstation Hardware Recommendations [Drone Programming] (4)
Drone not responding to the script [Drone Programming] (5)
I think I fried my X6B receiver [Drone Building] (5)
Should the air module telemetry module have a flashing light when it's powered? [Drone Building] (2)
Why is my rover installed with LXPANEL? [Course Questions] (2)
Drone Dojo 3D printed black square with a hole in it [Drone Building] (2)
On compass 1 calibration [Course Questions] (4)
Ardupilot Installation Part (1) sudo vi ~/.bashrc [Drone Programming] (2)
Brownout during ESC calibration? [Drone Building] (8)
ETA on upgrading to Python3? [Drone Programming] (1)
Pitch is reversed [Course Questions] (5)
Webcam calibration not working [Drone Programming] (3)
Configuring FS-i6X Transmitter- X6B Receiver - Pixhawk [Drone Building] (7)
Rasperry Pi power options and clarification [Course Questions] (7)
101 odd behaviours - maybe interrelated [Drone Building] (10)
Can't get ESCs to calibrate - Pixhawk fails pre-arm checks [Course Questions] (15)
Where is the open cv courser? [Course Questions] (3)
How do i fix gps on sitl... --> ekf2 still initializing on SITL [Drone Programming] (5)
No such a option: console--map [Course Questions] (4)
Simulating your own sensor [Drone Building] (5)
RPI Camera .stl file [Course Questions] (5)
Ssh to the pi out in the field [Drone Building] (8)
Stl drone did not land on aruco marker [Drone Programming] (11)
Error in imutils [Drone Programming] (7)
Trouble binding receiver [Drone Building] (4)