Arm rover with remote control & throttle motor


after i ended building the rover we had problems with the remote controller:

  • we want to make the rover arm when the switchA is turned on
  • we want to change the mode in which it is set with the switchB
  • we want to make the rover throttle when we move the left stick forward ( at first it was working but rn is not working anymore )

we have a FlySky controller ( FS-I6X ) and also a FlySky RC ( FS-X6B )

we tried changing the SERVOx_FUNCTION and RCx_OPTION values but it doesn’t work


I didn’t build a Rover, but did you configure the transmitter switches per

Then configured the action in MP with RCx_OPTION using option 41 or 153 for arm/disarm, depending on firmware used? Can change the mode in MP ‘Flight Modes’ assuming MODE_CH is correct (ie, CH 5). You used MP RCMAP_THROTTLE = 2, and configured MOT_THR_MIN to get the throttle working?