Course Questions

Git submodule update --init --recursive [Drone Programming] (4)
Upgrading PIP / Using SUDO PIP [Drone Programming] (5) command not found [Drone Programming] (4)
Submodule update error [Drone Programming] (17)
Drone Rotates when we give vx and vy both [Course Questions] (3)
Some problem with sitl and dorne [Drone Programming] (3)
Tunning the PID's of Landing algorithm [Drone Programming] (7)
Unable to fly drone in AltHold using RC [Course Questions] (5)
Micro Pi Zero: Setup - Zadig not showing stm32 bl [Course Questions] (6)
Mini drone [Course Questions] (2) compilation fails_Something about GPS task [Drone Programming] (3)
Sudo -E echo "export courseRoot=/home/$USER/courseRoot" >> ~/.bashrc [Drone Programming] (2)
Installing dependencies and configuring our environment [Drone Programming] (6)
Topic: Dependency Installations and Workstation Setup needs update [Drone Programming] (5)
Can't fly issue [Drone Building] (2)
Simulate Multiple Vehicles in QGC with DroneKit [Drone Programming] (7)
Stream camera [Course Questions] (3)
Git submodule update error [Course Questions] (5)
After ESC calibration, we must to it again every time we power off [Drone Building] (2)
Raspberry Drone Kit Parts Question [Drone Building] (3)
Dronekit [Drone Programming] (3)
Function to Arm and Takeoff Drone [Drone Programming] (6)
TFmini Lidar connection [Drone Building] (5)
Does anyone want a Vmware for the Python3 Setup? [Course Questions] (4)
Still no python3 course update? or a VM? [Drone Programming] (3) syntax error (not within connection template?) [Drone Programming] (7)
Has anyone made precision landing work in ubuntu 20/ Python 3 setup [Drone Programming] (1)
Failed for submodule update --init --recursive [Course Questions] (8)
Micro Pi Zero Drone - Compass not healthy [Drone Building] (3)
UBEC Line and ESCs [Drone Building] (8)