Pi Zero Drone - No compass listed



(Pi Zero Drone Kit)

I have another question, sorry. I have completed my build and all the step up to the part where i am supposed to calibrate the compass. This is not working for me and the reason it is seems that misson planner is not listing any compass as being present… I reviewed the videos to see if i was missing something about informing Mission Planner that a compass is present but no it seems I did not miss that step.

Can anyone help please?

When on the data screen i am getting accurate GPS from the GPS module and it also shows a heading this heading does change when i rotate the drone which implies it has a compass? (unless that is being inferred from GPS). Anyway any help to get Compass showing so that i can calibrate it would be gratefully received.



Again apologies i have found the problem, it seems the colours on the wires from the GPS module did not match those expected and i had accidentally reversed the SDA and SCA wires… flipping them fixed the problem… doh!