Drone Talk

About the Drone Talk category (1)
PiHawk LED - solid purple and can't connect to MP (4)
New member wanted to say hi and also hopefully find new home for some nice equipment (1)
Can I build a pihawk that is just for manual flying? (2)
Motors don't spin :( (2)
4G/LTE Modem (3)
What do you want to do with your drone? (12)
Remote ID (1)
Raspberry Pi Navio2 (3)
SpeedyBee Telemetry? (1)
Full gz sim on 22.04 LTS (11)
Copter: Changing YAW while in LOITER (2)
Need Help with Long-Range Video Streaming Setup (6)
Please help me. I need information on Indoor Autonomous Flying (4)
Problem with connect to pixhwak via jetson nano (1)
Which drone should I buy? (8)
Implementing Object Detecting and Tracking into a drone (2)
Help reviewing/improving list of parts for a DIY Pi Drone project (4)
Hardware to communicate to drone (2)
Regarding a drone connected to a Pi and live streaming (2)
Drone diving when going side to side (2)
External compass mx3, my3, mz3 (1)
Install Optical Flow Sensor to Drone Frame (2)
Normal for a battery to lose 2.0 volts after plugging into drone? (2)
What's the easiest way to view GPS data at the rpi CLI? (3)
Drone Registration Question (2)
Drone Backflip? (3)
No GPS detected (5)
Channel output data (4)
CRITICAL:autopilot:Crash:Disarm Debugging issues (12)