Raspberry Pi Navio2


Hi I am trying to build a Raspberry Pi x Navio2 drone, I know some people may advised to use pixhawk instead, but its required to use Navio2.

Do you have any reference or guide I could use? The navio2 Docs are not very clear.


Have you signed up for any of the for pay courses? I joined this site and took 3 courses all based on Navio2 several years ago. Portions of the lessons were amended with info on Pixhawk, but Navio remains enough to get things done. However the ‘free’ drone buidling 101 course does show only Pixhawk and the free 21 Part course mentions it in at least two places. If fact the author is using NVIDIA Jetson Nano on a rover project as well and basically keeping up with industry trends imo. The author found, from experience, glitches with the NAVIO2. He advises against it as a choice for flight controller. There is information about this here: https://dojofordrones.com/raspberry-pi-drone/. Both he and I have communcated with Emlid regarding the Navio2 and they claim the issues are fixed in last firmware update. This does put the onus on you to make it all work. All the various versions of OS, Ardupilot, and so on. If you take courses and utilize some of the lessons on this site you will need to ammend you learning with info from the Emlid site which is fairly complete for builidng purposes. They don’t sell it anymore but have kept the docs up. https://docs.emlid.com/navio2/. It is deep enought to build a quad drone and other vehicles. Good luck.


Yes I am actually taking that payed course but there’s no navio2 related videos. I think they recently updated to only be about pixhawk.