Dronekit news


hi all,

just read in another thread that dronekit is no longer active.

what does that mean?

I went to dronekit’s website and didnt see any news.


Are you having any issues with DK? If so, it would be good to know.

See: https://community.dojofordrones.com/t/mavsdk-interest/939/4


@ricardo_v28, I dont think it means anything for the courses… I have completed the precision landing course, well the simulation portion, which invokes DK, with no problem. I am currently trying to complete the precision landing in th real-world, but I am having hardware related issues, so I’ve been trying to debug.

I have ran the take0ff_and_land function in the real-world and it worked beautifully. I am running into issues moving laterally in the drones frame, but I think it is because I have not ran autotune, which leads back to my hardware issue.


btw My outdoor PL video.


You can do it to. Hope I’m not chatting too much, just trying to help!! ; )


ooooooooooo niceeee!!! She’s a beut @jax200! Idk how I missed this post. I’m so glad you posted this… I think everyone should share and post their achivements because its motivation for the rest of us!

I notice that you had two gps modules as well. I was considering that as well. Are they both the same type?


I will definitely take a video and share when I get there too.

at the moment, I have tried to fly my drone manually and still a little wabbly, so will get that better and then do the aruco thing.

Actually, I do need to buy a range finder because it doesnt come with the kit, is this the one?:
Amazon.com: MakerFocus TFmini-s Micro Lidar Module 0.1-12M Lidar Range Finder Sensor Obstacle Avoidance Sensor Tiny Module 1000Hz Single Point UART I2C IO Compatible with Pixhawk Ar duino and Raspberry Pi : Electronics


I am using this guy:
