Hahah well I think I had in the code to not allow the drone to get cheese curds if the pilot is a Steelers fan 
It looks like your first screenshot of the output of LaunchSitl was using ArduCopter 4.0.3, but with the old pymavlink.
In your latest picture, it looks like LaunchSitl now launched ArduCopter 3.3.0, but now with the new version of pymavlink. (You can see that because /home/joseph/.dronekit/sitl/copter-3.3/apm is below Ready To Boot)
For this reason I think the wrong version of pymavlink is still a good hypothesis for your issues.
It is puzzling me why the LaunchSitl script would launch the AC 3.3.0 (dronekit-sitl), because that should only be launching when an IP address isn’t supplied to the dronekit python script, but we are doing that in the LaunchSitl script:
@jax200 brings up a good thing to check.
When you are not in the (dksitl) virtual env, you should be on:
pymavlink 2.4.10
ArduCopter 4.0.3
I’m guessing you’re using the right pymavlink version, and we might be able to see why the dronekit-sitl AC 3.3.0 is launching after we take a peak at the LaunchSitl script.
Also I know this might sound dumb, but after a few years of working in IT, the ole’ restart is a magical solution wizard. You could also try restarting the virtual machine as well to see if there was any weird caching things going on that would launch the wrong AC version 3.3.0