Using rangefinder for landing in Gazebo


From my understanding, the drone in Gazebo uses the barometer to perform landing in land mode. Therefore, it cannot land on an elevated surface. I am trying to simulate precision landing using an aruco on an elevated surface but the arms keep throttling since it never reaches ground level. Is there a way to fix this in Gazebo?


Perhaps check around for a sonar plug-in to gazebo.

I see there was one possible solution here


Is this a theoretical problem, or one you are experiencing? If theoretical, I’d guess that it would be fine landing on an elevated surface. I think the drone would be able to detect if it is still moving or not- then once the drone has stopped moving the props turn off. I believe this is sort of how landing works on a normal level surface. Something like:

  1. Slowly descend on to ground
  2. Still descending? Keep going lower
  3. Not descending? You are on the ground so disarm motors.

The LAND mode would have to rely on some IMU confirmation of landing and not primarily the barometer because the barometer is so inaccurate.

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1st: @jax200 10 points