Unable to get Material


When I try loading a world with an aruco, I get the following error:
[Wrn] [Visual.cc:1019] Unable to get Material[Gazebo/Aruco72] for Geometry[ground_plane::link::qrcode1. Object will appear white
[Err] [SystemPaths.cc:412] File or path does not exist[""]
[Err] [RenderEngine.cc:475] URI doesn’t exist[file://media/materials/scripts/gazebo2.material]

anyone has encountered this before or knows how to solve it?



Hi there Theo!

When you tried booting this, is it in your own world or the course 3 key world? I might suggest looking at that course 3 key world as a reference for how things are supposed to work if you don’t already have that set up.


Hello! I had a couple of issues with my ubuntu in general so i bit the bullet and restarted from scratch but all works fine now! Thanks

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