Ubuntu Export for courseRoot


Good Morning:

I was installed successfully various dependencies according to the course instructions up to removal of modemmanager and make new directory courseRoot.

However, after I executed the next steps with the commands:
nghiale@nghiale:~$ sudo echo “export courseRoot-/home/$USER/courseRoot” >> ~/.bashrc
and source it with:
nghiale@nghiale:~$ source .bashrc

It seemed like there is no problem. However, when I followed the video instruction to access courseRoot with the following command:
nghiale@nghiale:~$ cd $courseRoot

and my system returned the following prompt:

instead of the prompt with home directory and my usename (nghiale) as the $USER (as indicated in the video):

I don’t know why. Did I do something wrong?

I think this problem also prevented me from executing successfully later a submodule update command, i.e.

$ git submodule update --init --recursive

which I will submit later if I am not able to resolve it.

Please advise.

Thank you.
Nghia Le


Hi there Nghia Le!

It looks like you used this command
sudo echo “export courseRoot-/home/$USER/courseRoot” >> ~/.bashrc

Did you use the dash ‘-’ in the command or was that just a typo in this forum post? If that is what you ran, the ‘-’ should be a ‘=’.

Can you please run this command at your terminal and tell me what the output is?
echo $courseRoot

Thank you!