Precission landing - necessity of SSH ad hoc nework


Regarding the drone delivery and precision landing course, I have access to RPI Pixhawk drone and have already used in the field using a usb dongle without any problems. So is it essential to establish an ad hoc network. If so. What parts of the course require ad hoc connections. Because it’d be great if i could altogether skip the drone setup: networking section.


A mechanism is needed for p2p connectivity between two WiFi devices such as your laptop and RPi where there is no LAN server. How are you connecting them in the field?


From memory, I connected them in the field using a usb wifi dongle. I also recall using a Samsung’s mobile hotspot, because it would automatically the rpi’s ip address


For now. I’m stuck on the course instruction-

Instead of going into vi editor, I get this bizarre- # a sample configuration for dhcpcd error and I don’t know how to proceed


All good I think I figured it out. For now


Yes, a phone hotspot is one such mechanism. Adhoc is another. Happy and safe flying.


ok. so are you implying that by using a phone hotspot we don’t need an ad hoc network

i nevertheless went ahead and tried to set up the ad hoc network and instructed the buster os to denyinterfaces wlan0. is this why my rpi can no longer access my phone hotspot or any other wifi network. the same problem is occuring on my other sd cards - buster os - and my backup rpi.

if so how do i UN-denyinterfaces wlan0


i deleted the denyinterfaces wlan0/eth0 commands in vi editor but to no avail.

i’m trying everything i can to fix the issue. . but i’m getting the could not communicate with wpa_supplicant error for many of the solution suggestions :confused:


@caleberg . I like a lot of the stuff you teach. so please do not take offense. But what is you refund policy for the precision landing course. I need to keep my options open. I began this course on October 10. By following the course’s steps I no longer have access to my rpis wireless networks. I need these for important engineering projects. There was no disclaimer that I could find myself in such a situation if I follow the course steps. The course is not maintatined so as to reflect rpi updates :confused:


Ok. So. I managed to re-enable the wireless network on the rpi. It took a number of attempts at formatting and reinstalling various rpi os(s) on a few higher quality sd cards. Eventually a legacy version of buster lite december 2020 prompted me in the gui boot to connect to a wireless network. One good thing I noticed thereafter is that the laptop in the field not only connects to my android or iphone’s mobile hotspot. But the laptop can subsequently project it’s own hotspot to connect with the rpi. So a usb wifi dongle isn’t essential.

But I still require someone here to verify that they managed to achieve the precision landing course outcomes by using a mobile hotspot rather than the ad hoc network.

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