doesnt land on the aruco marker


I followed the " Write Dronekit Script to Precision Land on Aruco" video managed to make the drone takeoff and detect the aruco market, however during landing the drone does not maneuver to position itself on the marker and lands vertically. I tried to double check if there is any error messages but theres none. Anyone could help me check out if theres anything wrong with my code? (6.0 KB)


Ensure you have the rangefinder enabled using settings as in the video, including RNGFND1_TYPE to 1.


I tried it with param set RNGFND1_TYPE 1 but it shows “APM: PreArm: Rangefinder 1 was not detected”

and the python script wont arm the vehicle


Nevermind I figured it out
I went to the iris_with_ardupilot -> model.sdf file and added a rangefinder sensor

Now the precision landing works fine

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