Drone programming course off Raspberry Pi instead of VirtualBox?


Would it be possible to also offer a RPi image for the Drone Programming Primer course, along with a VirtualBox image? That way, one could run the course via remote desktop or HDMI into RPi instead of VirtualBox, and switching to real drone would be as simple as pointing MAVProxy at /dev/serial0 instead of SITL, from the very same RPi.
This would only work for people who have a RPi handy of course, but that’s cheap and anyway what self-respecting nerd doesn’t have one these days? :slight_smile:


Sounds like an interesting idea, and should be possible. You would use the SITL on the RPi to link out to MP or QGC on a Windows machine. Of course there are some config.txt changes required for the real drone to make it work. I will have to try it.

Also see this: https://discuss.ardupilot.org/t/install-sitl-on-raspberry-pi-4-b-os-raspbian-buster/48348/18