Connect Raspberry pi 4 to Pixhawk 4 Mini


Hello I want to use Raspberry pi w/ cam as a payload on my drone. I have Pixhawk 4 mini controller and all tutorials are not for this mini version (Doesnt have Telem 2 port)


This is one of my favorites flight controllers.
Indeed it has a Telem2 if you follow the guidance here.


oh wow I am just reading the UART mapping section this really helps. Thank you so much I cant wait to try it :slight_smile: can I ask you one quick question please, I have a python script on my raspberry pi for streaming and capturing pictures but I want to do it from Mission Planner. Is that possible?


Check this out.


Thank you so much Jack. I have tried the telem and it works like charm. The second one though it is not exactly what I was looking for. I want to take a picture with misson planner. There are tutorials for auto missions like selecting way points and taking images in an interval – I wanted to test if that work before going out for a mission. Besides I can not see Raspberry pi cam on the mission planners supported camera types. (when doing the mission planning/selecting the waypoint part – )

Thank you


It is a good question and something I would like to know as well.
I create my own missons with dronekit and python, and there are numerous articles on how to take photos using an RPi and python, so I will probably go that route.

You might ask your question on the Ardupilot discussion forum. Perhaps you could re-post if you get a good answer.