I’ve successfully converted my Navio2 build to Pixhawk and want to add the Ledar rangefinder. It seems that since the Pixhawk has several UART ports I shouldn’t need or want to use a UART to Pi USB port converter and all the steps to name USB ports etc. I can’t find any guidance in the Precision landing course on a straight UART connection for a Pixhawk. I realize the Precision landing course favors the Navio2 but I’m in Pixhawk land now and want to do precision landings. Any tips before I dive into the Ardupilot docs, Mission Planner or UTube? This can’t be a complicated procedure.
Adding Ledar rangefinder to Pixhawk drone build?
The Pixhawk conversion was straight forward and I’m looking forward to exploring different Pixhawk flight controllers paired with the Raspberry Pi 4 and Dronekit programming. All this has been made a LOT easier by the three excellent Drone Dojo courses. Thanks Dojo for the effort!!
Forget this question a quick check of the Ardupilot docs for rangefinders and the Leddar One shows the details of hooking it up to a Pixhawk in great detail.
Nice, glad to hear the wiring was straight forward!
I believe the main part you need is the 6 pin DF13 connector (what plugs into Pixhawk1) to 2.54mm molex connector (to wire onto LeddarOne).
Something like what comes in here should work.
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